I’m a listy guy.

Lists, lists, lists! Love ’em! Cant list without them! I should list the reasons for you, why I’m such a Lister Mister!

(Total crap. I’m not into lists at all. I read something once about how lists are the holy grail of growing your blog. I should list the reasons for you, why I’m such a blatant attention whore.)

So without further blah…

Stuff That Happened

1. Argo won best picture. Ben Affleck is a two-time Oscar Winner.

2. Dinosarus. (Unless you are a Jesus freak and argue this one.)

3. In one penstroke, John Hancock proves to the 2nd Continental Congress that he was a blatant attention whore.

4. New Coke.

6. Hugo Chavez continues breathing.

7. A Kardashian did something, somewhere…and, like a billion people cared.

8. Gerard Butler’s abs in 300.

9. The sex scene between Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly in the movie Bound.

10. Jesus (Unless you are a Dinosaur freak and argue this one)

There you go. In case you were wondering, that stuff all happened…just writing it, I blew my own mind. And when I blow my own mind, I gently cup my hippocampus. Yeah, that just happened, too. You can thank me later.